Gemini Food Services Ltd.



Welcome to the new Gemini Food Services website!


Platter after platter...

When one is not enough, just pick them all!


So So Good

Back to the basics with mamas grill cheese


Oh my...!

Cheese heaven!

Group Photo

Welcome to Gemini Food Services Ltd.

Gemini Food Services was born in 1996. After several years of operating as a successful deli in West Vancouver, there was an opportunity to take over the food services at Rockridge. Working closely with administrative staff and parents, a winning combination of tasty food items at reasonable prices as well as a happy and fun atmosphere was created.

The company philosophy was then and now has always been that food should not only be something to satisfy your hunger but should be a pleasurable experience.

The following year West Vancouver School was seeking a fresh approach to the food provided to their students and faculty. After a few visits to Rockridge, Gemini Food Serves was granted this opportunity at West Vancouver High School.

The company continues to grow and withstand its well-known reputation. Gemini Food Services is now known as a unique catering company that provides a culinary experience in a variety of schools. A broad range of culinary experience cultural backgrounds and knowledge is what creates this teams passion to give both student and faculty the very best. Catering to both dietary and ethnic needs whilst still being able to enjoy healthy food on the run is what we aim to achieve daily. Our team does its best to source as much local, sustainable food and where possible we create all items in house.

The Canadian Food Guide is a key tool used to develop healthy balanced meals without a lack of options to choose from. The team at Gemini Food Service’s goal is to provide both children and adults the culinary experience they observe outside the school whilst meeting all the health requirements needed to be successful in school.

Thank you for your continued support and enjoy the new website!